Monday, March 12, 2007

Unreal Tournament 2004 Installation Process

The computer I am using to install UT2004 is a Dell Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 2.00Ghz 1.99 GHz, 515 MB of RAM.

I inserted Unreal Tournament 2004 into my computer and a window popped up saying you are about to install Unreal Tournament 2004 on your computer. Click next to begin setup or click cancel at any time to exit. I clicked on next.

After I clicked next, I then came to a window that read the licensing agreement. It told me that the installation of this program requires you to agree to the licensing terms. After skimming over the terms, it aked me if I agreed to the above licensing terms. I clicked on "I agree."

After I agreed to the terms, a window came up asking me to enter the 20 digit CD key found on the back of the manual. It asked me to type the CD key exactly as it appears including any dashes. I typed: 7CXDD-LQC8F-A4YUQ-FNDKA.

After I typed in the CD key, I hit next. This brought me to my next window. Here in this window it told me that setup will install Unreal Tournament 2004 in the following folder. To install in this folder, click next. The destination folder read: C:\UT2004. I then proceeded by clicking on the next button. My space available on drive read: 64471 Megabytes.

The next window came up telling me to sele
ct the components I wish to install. All of these components were selected already, so I just clicked on the next button. My space available on drive now read: 64469 Megabytes.

The next window said that setup was ready to install Unreal Tournament 2004. Click install to begin installation or click cancel to exit without installing Unreal Tournament 2004. I then clicked on install.

It then began installing UT2004 and all of its components onto my computer. I felt like it took forever, so I walked away from the computer for a while until the installation was just about finished. A window popped up that read at the top, UT2004 Editor's Choice Edition Mod Installer-Install Shield Wizard. It said that the InstallShield Wizard will install UT2004 Editor's Choice Edition Mod Installer on your computer. To continue, click n
ext. So, I clicked next.

The next window that popped up said to click next to install to this folder or click change to install to a different folder. I clicked next.

This was all a little confusing to me because I thought I had already done this and the installation was complete. It said that the wizard was ready to begin installation, so I clicked install to see what would happen.

I ended up clicking out of this window because nothing was happening with the installation, It started to install but then it froze. I ended up clicking out of this and just finished up with the installation process by pressing on the finish button because it said the installation was sucessfully completed.

Installation is now complete and UT2004 is
ready to be played!! Ahh, thank god.

1 comment:

GSI said...

Dzięki Krysiu:)