Monday, April 2, 2007


Ok, so I finally realized how to play the game! Let me tell you, it has been a long journey. So, I loaded the game and it prompted me to select what kind of game I wanted to play. I first chose single player and created my player. Then I went to join game. Here is a screen shot of what it looked like:

Next, I clicked on LAN, and where is says server name, I right clicked on that and entered in the server address Dean provided us with. I entered in: and it asked me for a password. I then put in: admin. I don't know about anyone esle, but it took me forever to find out where to even type in the server address. I finally came across it by right clicking on the server name, by accident! I was so happy I finally found out where it was, and all by accident! Here is a screenshot of what it looked like:

After i typed in the server name and password, it began loading, which took some time I must add! Then at last, I was finally in and ready to dominate the game! Or, just sit there and get killed, because that is what I pretty much did. Matt Lynch and I played the game together, but he looked like he had some experience in my eyes. Well, he could jump and I had no idea how to do that. I just kept walking towards him and shooting. Here is a screen shot of Matt in front of me pretty much killing me:

I don't know about anybody else, but it was hard for me to try and capture the screen shots while I was playing the game. By hitting the windows button it minimized my UT game and then it would take a few minutes to save the screen shot and actually get back to the game. I know this is why I was killed numerous times! Ok, well maybe that was a lie, but it was hard. Here is another screen of me just trying to find Matt....and failing. He found me first!

I had alot of fun playing the game and I am going to do my homework of reading up on how to play and move around. Next time, I will not be killed so quickly!

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